Transforming Seattle's 520 Floating Bridge



Competition Brief

The Transforming Seattle's 520 Floating Bridge 2012 International Design Ideas Competition is challenging the design and art communities to envision new, innovative reuse strategies. The 520 bridge will be decommissioned in 2014 due to high maintenance costs, damage, and the need for additional lanes. The Washington State Department of Transportation is requiring of the new bridge's design-build team that it be reused or recycled in a sustainable fashion; current trends for the reuse of pontoons have been floating docks, breakwaters and piers, but what else could be done with such a feat of engineering?


promotional poster


IVIS is a play of more traditional sculpture mixed with contemporary technology creating a gateway across the most travelled roadway in Washington and a technological showpiece for a region known for tech companies.

The play of light and colour as well as a mix of media — television, art, advertising — brings a fresh display to the span of Lake Washington — both near and far.


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